March 22, 2016

Make your own face toner

Natural Toner - 
Toner is a final layer of beauty products to use after cleaning your skin. It will help you get a fresh look, reduce puffiness, and tighten your pores.

To make your own all-natural version, combine a quarter of a cucumber (no need to peel) with 1 1/2 tablespoons of witch hazel and 1 tablespoon water (distilled if you have it) in a blender. Add a little lemon juice and blend until smooth (which should only take a minute). Push through a mesh tea strainer and throw out the solids. Store the toner in the refrigerator, and when you're ready to use it, dab on your face with a cotton pad or ball. 

It can be used daily and should last a few weeks. Once you try it you'll never go back to store-bought toner.

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